Monday, November 26, 2007

Colin Powell: The Final Victor in the Bush White House

To quote Benjamin Disraeli, "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." Colin Powell works much more formidably from that position than from the limelight of power.

- Armitage checkmated Cheney with Libby.
- Rove/Card & Bush checkmated.
- Rumsfeld destroyed like McNamara...Powell provides the data now off the WH team
- The Chiefs got their "surge": Iraq is peaceful...that was the deal since the election of 2004 which Bush/Cheney reneged on.

- Bush 41 crew steps to foreground: Baker Commission embarassed by Bush 43 / Cheney last stand...Bush 43 team with Powell et al negotiate the Middle East/Putin/Saudis to balance the chessboard of the world. Cheney checkmated to the White House make pronouncments of War with Iraq completely isolated.

- Bush 43 leaks his disappointment with Rice....retreats in press...but water is already muddy.

- 11/25/07: Syria on board for Mideast Peace Talks

By the hand of Condi Rice or by the "personages behind the scenes"?

You tell me.

As Colin Powell said in Iraq in 1991, First we are going to surround it, then we are going to cut it off and then we are going to kill it. I wonder how Rummie's head looks over his fireplace today. Cheney will be there soon. Never underestimate the truth and leadership in the hands of a General who gets pissed off!


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