Friday, February 26, 2016

Extreme Personal Division in Politics ~ destroys friendships, our families and our government ~ AND THAT'S WHAT THE GOAL WAS!

The rule of polite society in the culture was to avoid discussing 1) religion, 2) politics and 3) sex amongst friends.  Why? Have you ever said the name Jesus Christ at a cocktail party?  You'll still clear a room.  Now, all you have to say is Trump.

As the conservative game plan began in 1980 to divide America into political and government stagnation, they forgot one thing.  They were breaking friendships, families and people.  They told the people of our country by their media outreach namely Fox News that being rude, condescending, arrogant, snitty, snippy and petty was OK.  They instructed people to raise difficult political issues because they had a right to speak ~ at Thanksgiving!  Talk about an anti-family group.  The goal was to divide and anger Americans.  Then they would tune in more.  Well, Fox News is at 30% viewership for the last two decades.  That's it folks.  Stagnant.  They told voiceless Americans with little intellect and great amounts of venom to blame others for their problems.  And the ignorant and stupid always follow the leader, ask The Nazis. 

Yes, Fox News, Murdoch, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. etc. you have reaped what you have sown so long ago.


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