Friday, April 29, 2005

Bush Press Conference: If it walks like a duck.....

The initial remarks by President Bush during his April 28, 2005 Press Conference began with his opening statement in which he made two points. The first point was really his final one. He is now a lame duck.

Cornered with his alliances with the Saudis and with the vulnerability of the Iraqi Oilfields that have garnered the United States consumer $2 to $2.50 gasoline prices, President Bush responded with the same strategy of one of his erstwhile predecessors: Conservation. If that point were not enough to harken the country back to the malaise of Jimmy Carter, President Bush followed up with his plan to embark on environmentally safe exploration for new oil reserves for our nation. Next, I patiently began to wait for what I believe could only be the resurrection of the 55 mph national speed limit! If this is the best response that President Bush 43 can offer the people of the United States in terms of robust leadership, then he is nothing more than a resigned lame duck president.

He next listed social security reform in his opening statement. He might as well should have mentioned a manned flight to Mars again. No one was really listening anymore, as viewers stewed about missing Survivor and could only hope that the President would be finished before The Apprentice. The networks were praying too.


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