Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Media is.........?

Watching and Listening to Fox News the other day, I was in great despair over this renegade group called "The Media". Where did they come from anyhow to dominate our lives so clandestinely? These are the true terrorists! I began to research this nefarious group.

MEDIA means communications industry. That means Television, Radio and now Internet. Nobody reads national newspapers. People only read local papers for local news, sports and weather...and not necessarily in that order. Do most people honestly read the Washington Post, NY Times, Chicago Tribune or LA Times? Does anyone read Le Monde in the United States?

Back to my research. Well, who dominates Television? Multi-National Corporations. Why would Multi-National Corporations be so LIBERAL? Democracy means representation, fairness, equality, liberty and freedom. It doesn't mean bottom line. It means regulation, exposition and adherence to standards. It doesn't mean bottom line. It means government oversight on private industry not laisse faire. Am I missing something?

So the Multi-National Corporations that dominate the United States of America are: NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, UPN and WB. Now that Dan Rather is gone from CBS, Tom Brokaw is gone from NBC and O'Reilly dominates Fox, Who exactly is the MEDIA?

Who dominates radio? FM Radio is dominated by Clear channel and Infinity. AM Radio is dominated by Religious, Sports, Right Wing and Cultural Stations. It is a Christian, Conservative and Nascar Fan dream outlet for information and entertainment.

When I hear the MEDIA chastised on Fox News, it makes me wonder. Are they talking about Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough, Tucker Carlson, Bob Novak, Mike Savage, Michael Smerconish or Brit Hume? I'm really not sure.

So I ask again....The Media is ...................?

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep Throat Revealed?

Call me a skeptic. Call me a John Dean Fan. But I need some things cleared up about Mark Felt.

1) He had information that he gave to Woodward that the FBI did not have. John Dean brought this fact up last night on Countdown with Oberman. So where did he get it? Also, Deep Throat was wrong almost 50% of the time that he gave "Woodstein" information. Why? Was he being walled out of the information flow into the FBI? Then how did he get information that the FBI didn't have? Better yet. After Felt left the FBI, he was used as a source by "Woodstein" in a few articles. How did he stay in the loop? A guy like Felt made few friends on his way out of the FBI.

2) Felt and Woodward talked about the George Wallace Shooting before Watergate ever happened. What was there to talk about with Wallace? The guy shot him point blank, and the entire matter was caught on camera. What was behind it that Woodward would talk to Mark Felt about it when Felt was the #2 man at the FBI?

There will be many new confirmation issues that will be raised in the very near future.
I am looking forward to the process of confirmation and verification. Call me a John Dean guy until then!