Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Republican "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" has reaped what it has sown

The anger, the vitriol, the hate, the bigotry, the racism, the money have all gone impotent since 2008 and a financial crash that was one for the ages.  But the ages began in 1980 when Fox News was born and Rush Limbaugh started to rant.  The Equal Time Provision was destroyed by Ronald Reagan, but did he think it would result into something like today?  As Tom Delay, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich and the Bush second act battled for economic and political supremacy on the backs of The New World Order, The Evangelical Right and Racist Hate from the Gun Toting Tea Party and John Birch Society Redux, what has it all reaped?  The First African American President, reelected, and......Donald Trump.

What tangled web we do weave as the Republican Right tried to hold on to "Old" and "Bigoted"  and the USA got a tan.  The Republican Web has spawned a spider, and it is The Donald.  The Fox brainwashed have turned in anger and stupidity to a demagogue.  And that wasn't supposed to happen.  Or was that the goal all along.

The more we know who the political fighters and leaders are in the world, the less they really have the power to govern us all.  The New World Order in the form of The Report from Iron Mountain by Leonard Lewin in 1967 was truly conceived by JP Morgan on Jeykll Island and The Federal Reserve.

And in the end, it has slowly evolved over a century into a Vast New World Order. And......The Donald.


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