Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Intelligent Design or Evolution?

In Dover, Pennsylvania, a US District Court Judge appointed by President Bush 43 ruled that evolution and not intelligent design can be taught in the Dover Area School District.

Is it too difficult to stop engaging in these school yard battles and just teach the ideas that both topics present? It is ridiculous not to teach ideas. In the context of our constitution it is simply a matter of free speech. Both Mein Kampf and the Holy Bible are found in the school library as historical documents. Could evolution be taught in Biology and intelligent design be taught in Sociology?

Ideas stimulate thinking. Thinking solves questions. Resolving questions uncovers truth.....warts and all....evolution and intelligent design. The exclusion of ideas in discussion is facism. Neitzche is wrong. Barnum is right. Lincoln is wrong, and W.C. Fields said it best, "On the whole, I'd rather be in Philadelphia."

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Who's an "intelligence spook"?

Hypothetically, venture into the world of possibilities with me for a moment. There is a world of Nationalists and Globalists. One group wants a single nation to control world events, and the other group wants the nations of the world to control world events together. Elected officials of all countries carry the water for these two groups. The biggest and baddest country has an investigation into law breaking by its elected officials near the top of the public power pyramid. The invisible power pyramid, controlled in all countries by Militarists, Intelligence, Big Finance and Big Energy, initiated the investigation because the elected wonderkinds were getting either too big for their britches or were screwing up royally.

Then, hypothetically, the investigation seems to be stalling out with some underlings in the public power pyramid getting into trouble. All of a sudden, a news reporter, with access into the private power pyramid all his or her life, sends a lightening bolt into the investigation that untangles the investigative deadlock and moves the investigation into the highest levels of the public power pyramid again. Heads are about to roll. Who is this reporter? How does he or she continue to get access into the private power pyramid.......unless he or she is carrying the water for them?

Bob Novak asked the press to stop bothering him and Bob Woodward. Novak asks the President to come forward with a source in the Valerie Plame investigation. How did Woodward get involved with this, Nixon, Mark Felt, and Bill Casey....

Who is an intelligence spook?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Alito and Stare Decisis

Today's Washington Post provides a very candid look into Judge Sam Alito's views on the hot button issue of reproductive rights. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a strong abortion rights supporter, conducted a far reaching interview with Judge Alito. In Specter's estimation, Alito did not come up wanting. This link provides the details.