Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Republican "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" has reaped what it has sown

The anger, the vitriol, the hate, the bigotry, the racism, the money have all gone impotent since 2008 and a financial crash that was one for the ages.  But the ages began in 1980 when Fox News was born and Rush Limbaugh started to rant.  The Equal Time Provision was destroyed by Ronald Reagan, but did he think it would result into something like today?  As Tom Delay, Grover Norquist, Newt Gingrich and the Bush second act battled for economic and political supremacy on the backs of The New World Order, The Evangelical Right and Racist Hate from the Gun Toting Tea Party and John Birch Society Redux, what has it all reaped?  The First African American President, reelected, and......Donald Trump.

What tangled web we do weave as the Republican Right tried to hold on to "Old" and "Bigoted"  and the USA got a tan.  The Republican Web has spawned a spider, and it is The Donald.  The Fox brainwashed have turned in anger and stupidity to a demagogue.  And that wasn't supposed to happen.  Or was that the goal all along.

The more we know who the political fighters and leaders are in the world, the less they really have the power to govern us all.  The New World Order in the form of The Report from Iron Mountain by Leonard Lewin in 1967 was truly conceived by JP Morgan on Jeykll Island and The Federal Reserve.

And in the end, it has slowly evolved over a century into a Vast New World Order. And......The Donald.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Extreme Personal Division in Politics ~ destroys friendships, our families and our government ~ AND THAT'S WHAT THE GOAL WAS!

The rule of polite society in the culture was to avoid discussing 1) religion, 2) politics and 3) sex amongst friends.  Why? Have you ever said the name Jesus Christ at a cocktail party?  You'll still clear a room.  Now, all you have to say is Trump.

As the conservative game plan began in 1980 to divide America into political and government stagnation, they forgot one thing.  They were breaking friendships, families and people.  They told the people of our country by their media outreach namely Fox News that being rude, condescending, arrogant, snitty, snippy and petty was OK.  They instructed people to raise difficult political issues because they had a right to speak ~ at Thanksgiving!  Talk about an anti-family group.  The goal was to divide and anger Americans.  Then they would tune in more.  Well, Fox News is at 30% viewership for the last two decades.  That's it folks.  Stagnant.  They told voiceless Americans with little intellect and great amounts of venom to blame others for their problems.  And the ignorant and stupid always follow the leader, ask The Nazis. 

Yes, Fox News, Murdoch, Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. etc. you have reaped what you have sown so long ago.

Thursday, February 25, 2016



The tax issue with Donald Trump will expose him as a very "bankrupt", very UN - Billionaire and a very UN Generous entrepreneur.  Trump has lied about his wealth as all sociopaths do.  In the end, all Sociopaths give nothing to charity or the public good.  They only give to something that benefits them.  And in his business life, Donald Trump has declared bankruptcy 4 times.  Let the tax records speak!

Malcolm X once said that, "The chickens have come home to roost."  Well, after decades of hyperbole and blatant lies FOX News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity have accomplished their goal.  They have angered the American people to such a level of bile that they have turned their eyes and votes to the most radical Presidential Candidate in the History of the United States ~ save Charles Foster Kane ~ Donald Trump.  The hate and disgust from years of brainwashing dialogue and scripted "Tony Robbins" type TV Faux News has unleashed the true monster.  Dr. Frankenstein Murdoch has created Frankenstein Trump.  And God laughs!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Anorexia can be defeated ~ Thank you Kardashians?

Anorexia and all eating disorders were created by mass media and preservatives in our food.  The "gaunt" look may have saved clothing makers money but it decimated our daughters.  Add in a fragile psyche from PTSD and some mother is going to wander into the life of your elementary or middle school and plant the disease into her daughter.  And then it spreads like wild fire like every middle school rumor does.  The eating disorder issue is horrid.  And I know, you hate the Kardashians.  So do I.  But these narcissists have helped many young woman to counter the media attack of "skinny" to bring back the "big butt" / "Junk in the trunk" and the beautiful full figured girl!  And millions of normally growing little girls to college women and beyond are getting a blast of positive self esteem from their look.  It's cool in the magazines, online and the tv.  Now the Kardashian narcissism is a whole different comment!  Eating disorders start at the elementary school lunch table.  Have your children watch for it.  Address it as if it is a severe case of bullying.  And get the child with the eating disorder problem immediate help.  Watch and react to problems and they go away.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

"Average Joe" shoots 7; kills 5 in Kalamazoo

Just an Average Joe.  Driving an Uber taxi and stopping to kill people in route.  4 little ladies having a meal at Cracker Barrel.  All white middle aged gals having a lunch out.  And oh by the way, a 14 year old girl was shot there too.  And then a Dad and his son at a car dealership trying to buy a car were slaughtered by this Average Joe.  And to start everything off, a young African American woman with two children was gunned down.  Thank God she will survive.  It was just an average day in Kalamazoo.  Average Joe driving around shooting the residents of Kalamazoo.  No reason.  NONE!  His name is JASON BRIAN DALTON ~ ALL AMERICAN MAN with a gun!  Take a good look at him.  He shoots grandmothers in Cracker Barrel parking lots.  He shoots single moms on their way to work.  No, he's not ISIS, or JIHAD or TERRORIST....He's as AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE.  And no body knows why?

Monday, February 22, 2016

The TV Popularity is making Presidential Politics into a cartoon

Donald Trump.  A popular TV Personality for 11 years on prime time.  And guess what - 30% of GOP voters show up in every primary to vote for him.  That is NOT the same 30% who watch Fox News religiously.  Donald Trump is not Ronald Reagan.  He did not pay his political dues.  Those dues are very similar to the way that British Prime Ministers earn their way to becoming Prime Minister.  No, in America we take the most popular TV personality and we put him in the White House.  Why, because people are stupid.  George Washington warned us about "The man on horseback" becoming our President.  He was one of them, but he also loved democracy and that is why he only served two terms.  Washington preserved the elected Presidency from becoming a monarchy.  But now with the advent of the 24 hour TV cycle, social media and TV on demand everywhere and all the time, TV personalities have a tremendous "earned TV" advantage over the purchasing of TV time by other candidates.  It is a huge advantage.  Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, et al will simply never be able to get their message to the people when Trump's TV Persona makes him a front runner and the TV News (looking for ratings to sell advertising) puts him on "ALL THE TIME".  This fact is running Presidential Politics.  Money in the form of profits for TV is making Trump popular as a demigod.  Ronald Reagan made a name for himself on the GE Theater TV show, and then worked the rest of his life to become President.  Trump is screaming like an idiot and not paying any political dues.  That is because the instant TV coverage has made him so.  Advocating a Prime Minister Form of Government just might save the USA.   Presidential Politics is not a horse race nor is it a beauty contest for TV personalities or raving idiots.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The Fox is in the hen house: And his name is Donald Trump

Did Fox, Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch get exactly what they deserved?  Did they get the outlandish, the verbose, the bigoted, the racist and the fool they have advocated for on their channel of demagoguery news?  It is quite obvious that they have.  As Donald Trump bombasts his way in sociopathic delight to what could be the Republican Nomination, he has illustrated one truth.  If you put together Glenn Beck, Karl Rove, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Cavuto, Outnumbered, The Five, Megan Kelly and Fox & Friends, throw in too much makeup, eye lashes that are to long and couple in that wink and smirk of the truly worthless, do you know what you get???
Exactly what you deserve. And that name is the narcissist, sociopath ~
Donald Trump.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Hareper Lee and the fate of Atticus Finch

A solemn and gracious testimonial is due to Harper Lee whose writing has touched the hearts, souls and minds of young learners for more than fifty years in the classrooms of America and the world.  Could there be any greater gift to give and to receive from someone in this short life.  Of course there is To Kill A Mockingbird.  But, there is Go set a Watchman.  An Atticus Finch and his reputation are held in the balance.  Or is there more to this secret.  Harper Lee refused interviews constantly.  She moved to New York to edit Mockingbird, and only rarely came back to her home town.  She developed a friendship with Truman Capote if that is possible.  They were both from the South.  They were both homosexual.  No chastisement.  Only interest in the secret.  As one reads Mockingbird, there is a young woman raped, raped by her father, the fear of children and then there is the noble story of Scout and Atticus Finch...and of course, Boo. 

But could that juxtaposition of stories found in Mockingbird be the real story of Harper Lee's dual life?  Could it possibly be true that she was always writing of her Dad in reverse of the stories in Mockingbird, and the real Atticus Finch had molested her?  Is that also why, near the end of her own life that she published Watchman to take of the "moral" shine from Atticus' reputation as a noble do-gooder and civil rights supporter.  So many things run together and parallel in the life of Harper Lee.  Many different geometric angles to study.  That is why her books are so interesting to study.  But maybe she wanted those secrets to remain and she left us yesterday.

Friday, February 19, 2016

FAKE FIGHT: Apple v. The US Government

As we hunker down to another epic battle between the "Government" and "Capitalism" let be reassured in the fact that it is nothing more than elaborate ruse.  That's right.  It's studio wrestling.

Much like Proctor & Gamble having two of their detergent departments waging an epic price and tv commercial war to filter out weak employees, gain sociopathic employees to promote and to oil the gears of capitalism within their own company, so to does the herculean battle of Apple v. The Government wage on our air waves today.

Rest assured.  While we watch this battle over another infringement of the 4th Amendment ~ The NSA had all the cell phone information on these "terrorists" and they had it even before the "false flag" event of San Bernadino.  A bomb in Boston, a murder rampage in San Bernadino.  Coast to Coast, and keep the "fear fires burning" in terrorism brainwashed and manic America.  Keep the embers hot.  It's better than FDR knowing about Pearl Harbor before it occurred.  As if the German's didn't pass on any coded messages on the enigma machine between anyone in their entire military before Pearl Harbor occurred, and Churchill didn't keep FDR abreast ~ perhaps that is why the carriers weren't in Pearl Harbor of December 7, 1941.

"That the powerful play goes on; and you may contribute a verse." - Walt Whitman

Pope Francis 1 - trump 0

Call it a casual remark.  Call it a pointed statement.  Call it a political move.  Regardless, Pope Francis called out Donald Trump as "Not a Christian."  Pope Francis is correct, and like any of us, he has the right to call out anyone who "SAYS THEY ARE A CHRISTIAN" AND  WHO IS "NOT PRACTICING THEIR RELIGION."

The "Political Pulpit" has long been a fact of life in every Protestant Church in the world.  If you go to Westminster Abbey Church ~ you will find Charles Darwin's grave IN THE CHURCH.  Yet Fundamentalist Protestant Christian's rail against Evolution.   The Catholic Church rails against one political issue: ABORTION.  If Donald Trump ever went to church, he would know all of these things.  But he doesn't go to Church?  Well, that is one criteria that was used against Muhammad Ali when he was questioned about his Muslim belief.

If it took Muhammad Ali nearly 7 years to prove his innocence to the U.S. Supreme Court that he indeed was a practicing Muslim in order to protest and serve the US Army in The Vietnam War, then the Religious Head of the Catholic Church has every right under God to say if someone is not a CHRISTIAN.

Rampaging Evangelicals and Fundamentalist Christians have called many sinners ~ NOT CHRISTIAN.  Jerry Falwell said that Larry Flynt was NOT A CHRISTIAN.  And let us be honest, ALL PROTESTANTS ARE TAUGHT THAT ANY POPE IS THE DEVIL.  I have been ridiculed by Protestants my whole life for my Catholic Religion.  I have been told by these "Holy" people that I am not a "CHRISTIAN".  To all of them, to trump and to any one else loving themselves and mammon more than God and Jesus Christ ~ YOU ARE NOT A CHRISTIAN; change your ways and you will practice your Christianity and YOU WILL BE A CHRISTIAN.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

President Obama to replace Scalia; why republican'ts can't do anything about it

Let's look at the interesting scenarios surrounding President Obama's top handed control over everything concerning the next appointment of a justice to the US Supreme Court and the republican't do anything about it.

1) President Obama makes a recess appointment as Congress adjourns for their current session or upcoming one, and he names a justice immediately.  It is exactly what Eisenhower did with Justice Brennan.  Then, if the Senate does not unanimously confirm the new justice, any one democrat can stand up and filibuster.  The new justice stays on the court.  Getting 60 votes for cloture and ending a filibuster these days is like getting blood from a stone.

2) President Obama appoints an Hispanic male justice with impeccable and outstanding credentials.  Adalberto Jordan comes to mind.  If the republican'ts reject him, how does that help the Democratic Nominee for President in November?  IT GIVES THEM THE HISPANIC VOTE COMPLETELY no matter if Cruz or Rubio get the nomination for the republican'ts.

3) President Obama puts Anita Hill's name up for nomination.  After the last War of the Worlds, republican'ts would be hard pressed to attack her again.  And I certainly can't wait to see her sit next to Clarence Thomas.

4) President Obama does 2) and 3) and both get rejected by the republican't US Senate.
Then women, African Americans, Hispanics looka t the republican't nominee for President in November as DOA and turn out in angry droves to change the entire Congress.

No matter how it gets sliced, President Obama is sitting in the "catbird" seat and he's on cool cat!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

"The fault dear Brutus lies not in our stars; It lies in our selves....

We have created a political process that attracts narcissists, sociopaths and codependents both literally and figuratively.  We are to blame for it.  Both left and right, rich and poor and all races and ethnicities.  Until we create a Prime Minister / Constitutional Government ~ politicians will be beholden strictly to money instead of the people.  The First step is for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn The Citizen's United Case

"And of what kind are the men that will strive for this profitable preeminence, through all the bustle of cabal, the heat of contention, the infinite mutual abuse of parties, tearing to pieces the best of characters? It will not be the wise and moderate, the lovers of peace and good order, the men fittest for the trust. It will be the bold and the violent, the men of strong passions and indefatigable activity in their selfish pursuits. These will thrust themselves into your government, and be your rulers.”

- Benjamin Franklin at the U.S. Constitutional Convention