Monday, May 02, 2005

"Venom of Conservatives": Political Hate in America

Why do Conservatives hate people that think differently than they do?

Let's put forth some reason:

1) Angry TV, Radio and so-called New Channels create it.

Why is it that when Conservative Commentators voice their opinions about people and views that they do not agree with that they end their comments or litter their comments with ad hominien attacks. Words like : "lizards", "tree-hugging", "shut up" or "spineless" find their way into opinions that begin as commentary but end in vicious acrimony.

2) Equipped with Opinions, Conservatives find no need for Facts.

An assault on an idea is an excellent debate to watch and to hear. The British Parliament is an enjoyable illustration. But when assault on ideas transcends into labeling people as "God Hating", "Baby Killing", "Tree-Hugging", and "Gay Loving", the assault on ideas becomes an assault on people. To label with broad strokes is to assume all people are alike. In a nation of rugged individuals, I cannot see the overwhelming similarities.

3) Political Fervor needs balance not zealotry

There are many different people and interests in both major political parties. To be controlled and cajoled by any one segment of those parties, is anathema to everything that our democratic and multi-cultural nation illustrates to ourselves and our world. A quietly spoken truth is the most deafening roar in politics. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is a vivid example.

4) Absolute Knowledge on all political issues is arrogance

If any one political voice, association of people or political party espouses absolute knowledge on any political issue, then they are boasting of omniscience and omnipotence. Those attributes are reserved for only one universal truth - God. Everything else is based in facts, reason and fallibility. That is politics. May God help us in all of those endeavors.


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