Thursday, May 05, 2005

Jessica Lynch, Lyndie England and Pat Tillman: Does the US Military ever tell the truth?

It isn't the "Credibility Gap" of LBJ & Vietnam. It isn't the secret bombing of Cambodia by Nixon. It isn't even the fact that no WMD were found anywhere in Iraq. What it is has become an international charade of so called patriotism engendered by the US Military to hoodwink the American People into buying into a war that is being fought over Oil, Israel and Geopolitical Dominance.

Jessica Lynch to her great credit disputed all of the military claims that she was a hero. The Propaganda Machine from the WH to the Pentagon quickly removed her from public view.

Lyndie England needs to be asked who the father of her baby is. Any bets on Charles Gainer? Talk about lies in the Abu Ghraib Prison.

Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire that was known by the Pentagon before all the public adulation, parades, and a nationally televised funeral were used to exploit him. May God Bless the Tillman family, May Pat Tillman rest in peace, and May all the families of all our soldiers be blessed from Our Lord in their time of greif.

As for the US Military and the Propagand Machine: They can go to Hell.


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